Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

UNIQSO Beuberry Summer Red circle lens review! (sponsored)

So I inquired about a sponsorship to Uniqso, and they accepted me! I got Beuberry Summer Red circle lens as my free lens to review. ~

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tony Moly Luminous Aura CC Cream Review!

So since I'm on vacation in Hawaii, I got a chance to go to two stores I've wanted to go to forever. Tony Moly and The Face Shop. I also went to a couple other stores, but I'm only going to review products from those two shops. So, first up! I'll be reviewing the Luminous Aura CC Cream. ῍̻̩✧(´͈ ૢᐜ `͈ૢ)˖῍̻̩

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Anime Expo 2014!

I attended AX 2014 last week and it was tons of fun! Here's a a photo from each of the days.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

homura costest!

I got my wig in today! I was really excited cause I could finally do a makeup test for Homura ῍̻̩✧(´͈ ૢᐜ `͈ૢ)˖῍̻̩

Monday, April 14, 2014

Vassen Sandy Pink circle lens review

this is such a late review omg I'm so sorry HAHAHA. also I haven't been on here in basically forever. quick update, my phone's broken so that means no instagram for me for a while. I'm very upset B(

anyway!! on to the review. vassen sandy pink! I bought these for Yuno cosplay.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

yuno costest photos!

ahhhh I adore this wig!! I really like the way my makeup turned out as well uwu

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

(more) up next...

in addition to my circle lens reviews, I'll also be reviewing these two wigs when they arrive!

they're for yuno and akise huehuehue

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

nezumi wig review (sense-hair on ebay)

okay!! so i ordered my nezumi wig on february 23, 2014 from sense-hair on ebay. it said it was expected at the end of the month, but instead it showed up two weeks early! I was very surprised, and very happy. it was only $13 and it had free shipping. here are the pictures included with the listing.

vassen cloud nine violet circle lens review

heyoooo! it's rico

no it's not. but i have another lens review!! these are my cloud nine violets, purchased from candylens.

first, a photo. sorry for no makeup ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

g&g gbt green + sky blue circle lens review

heyo!! I'm back with another review. it hasn't even been 24 hours #swag

anywho, i decided that since these lenses were from the same series, I would put them in the same post.

these were my first purchase from! (i love candylens a lot omg so that's where i get/am going to get most of my future lenses.)

first up, the sky blue.

vassen jewel violet circle lens review

ahh! okay so I finally made a blogspot. this is mostly just for me, so I can post reviews even though nobody will read them but I honestly don't care huehuehe

sooooo, my first review! these were the first pair of circle lenses that I bought. I'm pretty sure these were from pinkyparadise.

on with the review! first, a photo of the lenses.