Wednesday, March 5, 2014

vassen cloud nine violet circle lens review

heyoooo! it's rico

no it's not. but i have another lens review!! these are my cloud nine violets, purchased from candylens.

first, a photo. sorry for no makeup ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

diameter: 14.5mm
water content: 42%
base curve: 8.6mm
color: 5/5
comfort: 5/5
enlargement: 4.5/5
overall: 5/5

I LOVE THESE LENSES SO MUCH OH MY GOD. no but really. so anyway here's the in depth stuff

the color is really, really vibrant. they're very noticeable in most light. they very nearly completely covered my eyes, except for a small ring of brown in the center. these do not have a natural look at all. I used them for my kirigiri kyouko cosplay, and I think these would be really good for pretty much any cosplay with violet eyes. they're reeeally intense. 

when i first got these in my eyes, I could not feel them. they're super, super comfy. they barely move around in my eyes, too. there is slight movement when I blink, but not so much that it bothers me. just sometime's theres a bit of purple around the edges of my vision. but like I said, it doesn't bother me. I can wear these for a while without my eyes getting to dry, as well. the longest i've worn them is probably 5 or so hours, but I had no problems. I would guess that after 7 or 8 hours, I'd need some eyedrops.

these are 14.5mm so they offer a good enlargement. I still prefer bigger though (•⚗৺⚗•)

I would definitely recommend these to a friend!

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