Thursday, March 13, 2014

Geo Xtra Plum Grey circle lens review

diameter: 15mm
base curve: 8.7mm
water content: 42%
color: 5/5
comfort: 4/5
enlargement: 5/5
overall: 4.5/5

I am kind of in love with these lenses, honestly. they've got a gorgeous color to them. they're really pigmented, so they cover up the brown of my eyes perfectly, except for a part in the center, but that's okay with me. the design on these is so pretty too ahhhh it's like a flower. because of the design and enlargement, these don't look natural at all. when walking around my house, my sister also said they looked plain black in the low light. these are a pretty dark grey, but I really like it. there is also a black limbal ring.

there was a slight discomfort because I could feel the lenses in my eyes for a while, but I got used to it after a little while. it was still a little bothersome, but it wasn't a huge deal. it was probably because of the 8.7mm diameter. I don't know about dryness or anything, as I have yet to wear these out for a long time. I plan on using them for my nezumi cosplay, though!

the enlargement on these is great. they're 15mm diameter but the limbal ring makes them look really big, and they give a dolly look best suited with eye makeup. they have a very visible enlargement, which I really like. 

I would probably recommend these to a friend!! (ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞

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